By using the Carbon Design System, it has enabled us to make implementing custom changes to the look and feel of the application easy. By using the appropriate color tokens provided in the official color documentation, consistency can be achieved easily.
Custom theme overrides
The theme used by Carbon can be customized to a large degree. By default, the libary @valtimo/components exports a theme from the following path: "node_modules/@valtimo/components/assets/css/carbon.scss". Also, a stylesheet is exported to ensure compatibility with the previous Beagle theme, FormIO forms and other Carbon specific overrides that are necessary: "node_modules/@valtimo/components/assets/css/compatibility.scss".
Custom color palette
You can override the default Valtimo blue colors by adding these to your styles.scss. See the example below and replace the hex values with your custom values.
It is recommended that the contrast between your custom color and #FFFFFF is 4.5:1 or higher. This can be checked by using the WCAG Contrast Checker and setting your custom color as the background color and setting #FFFFFF as the foreground color.
If your custom color has a contrast ratio higher than 4.5:1, you can use the Color Shades Generator to create 10 shades based on your color. These 10 colors will be your new values with --vcds-color-10 being the lightest (almost white) color and --vcds-color-100 being the darkest (almost black).
Sidenote: Please make sure that you never use red as the main color. Red means "danger" and it can have a negative effect on the hierarchy of colors in the UI when used as the main color.
/* these are the colors that override the default Valtimo blue colors */:root { --vcds-color-100:#100a0b; --vcds-color-90:#301d21; --vcds-color-80:#4f3038; --vcds-color-70:#6f434e; --vcds-color-60:#8f5664; --vcds-color-50:#a9707d; --vcds-color-40:#bc909a; --vcds-color-30:#cfb0b7; --vcds-color-20:#e2cfd4; --vcds-color-10:#f5eff1;}
Overriding other color tokens
The Carbon design system theme and custom color overrides should cover all necessary needs for an implementation. If extra customization is needed however, it can be done by completely overriding the way the theme is initialized with the following code:
/* The default carbon themes are imported */@use'@carbon/styles/scss/themes';@use'@carbon/colors';/* here we assign the themes we want to use as light themes */$lightThemeVariables: ('g10': themes.$g10,);/* and here we assign the themes we want to use as dark themes */$darkThemeVariables: ('g90': themes.$g90,);/* this is where we override the default properties that are used in the light themes */$lightThemeOverwriteVariables: (// Color 80active-primary:var(--vcds-color-80),active-tertiary:var(--vcds-color-80),// Color 70link-02:var(--vcds-color-70),support-04:var(--vcds-color-70),hover-primary-text:var(--vcds-color-70),link-secondary:var(--vcds-color-70),support-info:var(--vcds-color-70),link-primary-hover:var(--vcds-color-70),// Color 60interactive-01:var(--vcds-color-60),interactive-03:var(--vcds-color-60),interactive-04:var(--vcds-color-60),link-01:var(--vcds-color-60),focus:var(--vcds-color-60),background-brand:var(--vcds-color-60),interactive:var(--vcds-color-60),border-interactive:var(--vcds-color-60),link-primary:var(--vcds-color-60),brand-01:var(--vcds-color-60),brand-03:var(--vcds-color-60),// Color 50inverse-support-04:var(--vcds-color-50),support-info-inverse:var(--vcds-color-50),// Color 40inverse-link:var(--vcds-color-40),link-inverse:var(--vcds-color-40),// Color 20highlight:var(--vcds-color-20));/* this is where we override the default properties that are used in the dark themes */$darkThemeOverwriteVariables: (// Color 80active-primary:var(--vcds-color-80),active-tertiary:var(--vcds-color-80),highlight:var(--vcds-color-80),// Color 70inverse-support-04:var(--vcds-color-70),support-info-inverse:var(--vcds-color-70),// Color 60interactive-01:var(--vcds-color-60),background-brand:var(--vcds-color-60),brand-01:var(--vcds-color-60),brand-03:var(--vcds-color-60),// Color 50support-04:var(--vcds-color-50),support-info:var(--vcds-color-50),interactive-04:var(--vcds-color-50),interactive:var(--vcds-color-50),border-interactive:var(--vcds-color-50),// Color 40link-01:var(--vcds-color-40),link-primary:var(--vcds-color-40),// Color 30link-02:var(--vcds-color-30),hover-primary-text:var(--vcds-color-30),link-secondary:var(--vcds-color-30),link-primary-hover:var(--vcds-color-30));/* The initial theme is defined here */@use'@carbon/styles/scss/theme'with ( $theme:map-merge(themes.$g10, $lightThemeOverwriteVariables));/* button colors are defined here */@use'@carbon/styles/scss/components/button/tokens'as button-tokens with ( $button-primary-active:var(--vcds-color-80), $button-tertiary-active:var(--vcds-color-80), $button-primary-hover:var(--vcds-color-70), $button-tertiary-hover:var(--vcds-color-70), $button-primary:var(--vcds-color-60), $button-tertiary:var(--vcds-color-60));/* here, all Carbon styles are included.*/@use'@carbon/styles';@use'@carbon/grid';@include grid.flex-grid();/* Class names are generated for all available themes, so they can be used wherever necessary */@each $name, $variable in $lightThemeVariables { [data-carbon-theme='#{$name}'] {@include theme.theme($variable, $lightThemeOverwriteVariables); }}@each $name, $variable in $darkThemeVariables { [data-carbon-theme='#{$name}'] {@include theme.theme($variable, $darkThemeOverwriteVariables); }}/* default Valtimo colors serve as a back-up in case no other colors are set. */:root { --vcds-color-100:#002547; --vcds-color-90:#002c54; --vcds-color-80:#003361; --vcds-color-70:#286198; --vcds-color-60:#2b79bd; --vcds-color-50:#61aedf; --vcds-color-40:#8acff2; --vcds-color-30:#aadcf6; --vcds-color-20:#c9e9f9; --vcds-color-10:#e9f6fd;}
Non-Carbon related theme overrides
It might be possible that you want to override certain items based on the theme that is currently active. This can be done by using the value currentTheme$, imported by CdsThemeService from '@valtimo/components'. This value is either 'G10' (Light) or 'G90' (dark). The option 'SYSTEM' is not a theme, but only a toggle for the auto-switching of themes based on the preferred system theme, which gets its value from the browsers (prefers-color-scheme: 'value').