Valtimo frontend libraries

New Features

The following features were added:

  • Improved error messages in popup

    The popup showing the error messages has been improved in several ways:

    • It now more often shows the details of the error.

    • It now more often shows a reference ID of the error.

    • When the popup is clicked, it won't disappear. Making it easier to copy the error from the popup.

  • Supporting process title translatable

    The option to translate subprocess title is now added. A new key with the value of the processDefinitionKey can be used in the translation file to override the default.


No bugfixes.

Breaking changes

No breaking changes.


No new deprecations.

Known issues

This version has the following known issues:

  • Viewing and editing DMN tables does not work if there is no 'featureToggles' object present in the environment configuration.

    • Discovered in version 9.26.0

    • As a workaround, an empty 'featureToggles' object can be added to the environment configuration file(s).

Last updated