Zaken API plugin

The Zaken API plugin can be used to store and access data about a Zaak (case) in an application that supports the Zaken API standard created and used by the Dutch government.

Configure the plugin

A plugin configuration is required before the plugin can be used. A general description on how to configure plugins can be found here.

If the Zaken API plugin is not visible in the plugin menu, it is possible the application is missing a dependency. Instructions on how to add the Zaken API dependency can be found here.

To configure this plugin the following properties have to be entered:

  • URL. Contains the complete base URL of the Zaken API to connect to. This generally includes the path /api/v1/.

  • Authentication plugin configuration. Reference to another plugin configuration that will be used to add authentication to any request performed on the Zaken API. If no option is available in this field a plugin has to be configured that is able to authenticate for the specific application that hosts the Zaken API. (e.g. OpenZaak)

Available actions

The Zaken API plugin supports the following actions that can be configured in process links in order to manage data that is part of the Zaak.

A general description on how to create process links, can be found here.

The Link document to zaak. action takes a Document stored in a Documenten API and links it to a zaak. The zaak to which the Document is linked is based on the process for which the action is performed. The process belongs to a case that should already have a zaak instance link before this action is performed. The link between a zaak and a document is stored as a 'zaakinformatieobject' in the Zaken API.

When creating a process link the following properties have to be entered:

  • URL to the document. The complete URL of the document in a Documenten API.

  • Document title. The title of the document within the context of the zaak that is stored in the 'zaakinformatieobject' record in the Zaken API.

  • Document description. The description of the document within the context of the zaak that is stored in the 'zaakinformatieobject' record in the Zaken API.

The Link uploaded document to zaak action takes a document stored in a Documenten API and links it to a zaak. The zaak to which the document is linked is based on the process for which the action is performed. The process belongs to a case that should already have a zaak instance link before this action is performed. The link between a zaak and a document is stored as a 'zaakinformatieobject' in the Zaken API. After this plugin action has been selected, the user does not have to input any configuration data.

This process link does the following steps:

  1. Take the document URL that is saved in the process variable documentUrl.

  2. Take the Zaak instance that is linked to the case.

  3. Link the Zaak instance to the document URL.

Create zaak

The Create zaak action creates a zaak in the zaken API. When creating a process link the following properties have to be entered:

  • RSIN. Contains the RSIN of the organisation. The RSIN number (Rechtspersonen en Samenwerkingsverbanden Identificatie Nummer in Dutch) is an identification number for legal entities and partnerships. This will be used when creating the zaak to indicate who is responsible for creating the zaak record in the API.

  • Zaak type. The type of the zaak that is created.

Create zaakrol - natural person

The Create zaakrol - natural person action creates a zaakrol in the zaken API. Using this action, a person can be linked to a zaak. When creating a process link the following properties have to be entered:

  • Role type URL. Every person that is linked to a zaak has a role within that zaak. This property contains a URL to the role of the zaak.

  • Role explanation. An explanation of the role that the person has within the zaak.

  • Initiator BSN. The BSN (Citizen service number) of the person that should be linked to the zaak.

  • Other natural person identification. (Optional) The unique number issued by the municipality for another natural person.

  • Administration number person. (Optional) The administration number of the person, as referred to in the BRP Act.

Last updated