Valtimo frontend libraries

New Features

The following features were added:

  • Tasks list can now be added to any case tab

    When configuring a case tab, it is now possible to show the task list on that tab. This list was previously only shown on the summary tab. For more information, please see this page

  • Case Admin widgets tab

    A new tab of type widgets is available when configuring your Case. For more information, please see this page

  • Case Widgets

    Widgets are now available to be shown for cases. After configuring your widgets, they will show under a new tab in your Case details page. For more information on configuring widgets, please see this page

  • Dependency upgrades

    Various dependencies in the libraries have been upgraded for security reasons.

  • Cypress removed from codebase

    The infrastructure to implement Cypress end-to-end tests has been removed from the front-end libraries codebase, since it was never used; integration testing is done using Playwright instead.

  • Value path selector

    In many configuration forms in the application, manual path inputs are used. For example, an admin fills in case:createdOn for a search field configuration. A component has now been implemented to allow for the selection of possible values for these fields using a dropdown. A manual input option is still available in these places by switching a toggle.

    In this version, this value path selector has been implemented for configuring task and case search fields, case list columns, and for selecting the default value for components inside the form builder. The latter is available under a Valtimo tab in configuration modals for each component.


The following bugs were fixed:

  • Form builder stability

    On the admin form management page, the form builder sometimes would not allow form components to be saved. This issue should be resolved.

  • Custom component not rendering consistently

    A fix has been implemented for custom components not rendering correctly in certain situations. To implement this fix, please refer to the migration notes of this release.

  • Documenten API metadata modal in forms

    The documenten API metadata modal for the Documenten API uploader custom component for now works properly.

Known issues

This version has the following known issues:

  • Camera feature for custom upload components might not work properly

    • Discovered in version 12.1.0

    • If you encounter this issue, the camera feature can be disabled in the form configuration.

Last updated