Command handling

A command is used to change the state of an application. Commands allow you to express clear intentions which simplify understanding and debugging of the application.

In this module, commands are used to handle form submissions. The command handling process is divided into two parts: the command itself and the command handler.

Add the following dependency to your project's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.valtimo:command-handling:12.1.0'


A command is a data class that represents the intention to change the state of the application. It should be a data class that implements the Command interface. It is also possible to specify the return type of a command. In case you have nothing to return, specify it as Unit.

Here is an example of a command:

data class ExampleCommand(
    val age: Int
) : Command<Unit> {

    init {
        if (age > 18) {
            println("You are an adult")
        } else {
            throw FormException("You are not an adult", component = "age")

Command handler

The command handler is a class that is used to handle the command. It should implement the CommandHandler interface.

The execute() method is used to execute the command.

The command handler also needs to be registered as a bean in the Spring context.

Here is an example of a command handler:

class ExampleCommandHandler : CommandHandler<ExampleCommand, Unit> {

    override fun execute(command: ExampleCommand) {
        // ... handle the command ie: save to database or call another service
        throw BusinessException("Something went wrong")


Each command handler can be wrapped with a decorator. This allows you to add additional functionality to the command handler. Default decorators are provided these are useful for logging and error handling.

  • LogDecorator logs the command details.

   logger.trace { "Command details '$command'" }
  • ExecutionTimeDecorator logs the execution time of the command handler.

    logger.trace { "Timed '${command.javaClass.simpleName}' execution time = '$totalTime' in milliseconds" }

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