Valtimo frontend libraries

New Features

No new features.


The following bugs were fixed:

  • User cannot click 'save' in Formio sandbox

    In some cases, the user could not click 'save' in the Formio sandbox.

  • Many duplicate & cancelled requests to the API

    When navigating through the application, the network tab would show a lot of duplicate requests to the API which were cancelled right after initialization.

  • Case tabs not working after clicking on Documenten tab

    After opening the 'Documenten' tab, any subsequent navigation to a non standard tab would show an error.

  • Documenten API metadata modal in forms

    The documenten API metadata modal for the Documenten API uploader custom component for now works properly.

  • Task status text gets wrapped

    When a user task had a long name, the task list on the case detail page would be wrapped.

  • Case summary form was not using 100% of the available space

    On the case detail page, the summary form would not fully use the available space.

Breaking changes

No breaking changes.


No deprecations

Known issues

No known issues.

Last updated