Valtimo backend libraries

New Features

The following features were added:

  • Unauthenticated user can now access Actuator health endpoint

    The Actuator health endpoint (${management.endpoints.web.base-path}/health) can now be accessed by an unauthenticated user in either of the following conditions:

    • is set to never

    • is set to when_authorized AND contains ROLE_ACTUATOR


The following bugs were fixed:

  • Intermediate save on user tasks did not respect the useridentifier setting

    The user id was used to reference a user for an intermediate save regardless of the useridentifier setting. This has been corrected.

  • Error when user without assign permission opened a user task

    An error occurred when a user without assign permission opened a user task. The application will no longer attempt to retrieve users when this permission is missing.

  • Filtering Form Flow submissiondata is now configurable

    In Valtimo 12.1.0, a filter has been introduced on the submissiondata of a Form Flow step. Any data that is not included in the definition, will be filtered out. To prevent breaking Form Flows that intentionally use data that is not part of the definition, this filter is now configurable. The valtimo.formFlow.doSubmissionDataFiltering property can be set to false to disable the filter.

  • Assigned tasks not visible on the 'my tasks' tab of the filtered task list

    With the introduction of the username/userid as assignee toggle, assigned tasks were not visible on the 'my tasks' tab of the filtered task list. This bug only occured when the toggle was set to username.

Breaking changes

No breaking changes.


No deprecations.

Known issues

No known issues.

Last updated