
This deserializer supports the deserialization of ISO-8601 values with a zone offset or 'Z' to LocalDateTime The zone difference between the value and local time is taken into account during the conversion. A value without zone information will be deserialized into a LocalDateTime directly.


There are several ways to apply a deserializer to the code. Some are listed below.

Application wide

fun documentInformatieObjectMixinCustomizer(): Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer {
    return Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer { builder: Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder ->
        builder.deserializerByType(, ZonedLocalDateTimeDeserializer())

Directly on the property

If there's full control over the value class, the deserializer can be configured directly using the JsonDeserialize annotation:

class DocumentInformatieObject(
    @get:JsonDeserialize(using = ZonedLocalDateTimeDeserializer::class)
    val beginRegistratie: LocalDateTime

Via a mixin

Considering the following mixin:

abstract class DocumentInformatieObjectMixin(
    @get:JsonDeserialize(using = ZonedLocalDateTimeDeserializer::class)
    val beginRegistratie: LocalDateTime

It can configured via a customizer:

fun documentInformatieObjectMixinCustomizer(): Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer {
    return Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer { builder: Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder ->

abstract class DocumentInformatieObjectMixin(
    @get:JsonDeserialize(using = ZonedLocalDateTimeDeserializer::class)
    val beginRegistratie: LocalDateTime

or a module:

fun documentInformatieObjectMixinModule() : SimpleModule {
    return SimpleModule("documentInformatieObjectMixinModule")

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