Valtimo backend libraries

New Features

The following features were added:

  • Export case definitions

    Case definitions can now be exported as an archive, containing all process definitions, forms, form flows, process links and the document definition that make up the case definition. See this page for more information.

  • Import case definitions

    Case definitions can now be imported from a ZIP archive, containing all process definitions, forms, form flows, process links and the document definition that make up the case definition. See this page for more information.

  • Transactional outbox

    Valtimo now supports an implementation of the transactional outbox pattern. See this page for more information.

  • Audit CloudEvents

    Several outbox events have been added for auditing purposes. For an overview of the available events, refer to this page

  • Access control for creating process instances Two new access control resources have been added, these are CamundaExecution and CamundaProcessDefinition. The former has one action that can be used to allow users to create process instances, which is the create action. These resources can be used to restrict creation of certain process instances to a subset of roles. Information on how to use this can be found here.

  • Outbox message publisher for RabbitMQ

    A RabbitMQ (AMQP 0.9.1) message publisher has been in the outbox-rabbitmq module. More information can be found here.

  • Added option for custom process variable name to download document plugin action in documentAPI

    Added option for custom process variable name to download document plugin action in documentAPI so you have the option to choose a custom process variable name. When left empty the default name is: "resourceId"

  • Selecting and retrieving a specific version of a document definition

    To support switching between document definition versions, two new API endpoints have been added. The first is to retrieve a list of versions available for that document definition, and the second to retrieve a specific version:

    • GET /api/management/v1/document-definition/{name}/version

    • GET /api/management/v1/document-definition/{name}/version/{version}

  • Javascript in Camunda script task

    Added support for Javascript in Camunda script tasks.

  • Value resolver process bean

    Added a new process bean that can resolve and handle values from several sources. More information can be found here

  • Support for Keycloak group roles in access control

    Valtimo access control can now make use of Keycloak group roles.

  • Access control mapping CamundaTask to JsonSchemaDocument

    The PBAC CamundaTask resource can now make use of a JsonSchemaDocument for conditions.

  • Configure due date from BPMN for portaaltaak

    If no due date is given in the Create portaal taak action, the due date of the user task is used instead.

  • Spring bean for JSON mapper

    Valtimo now uses a Spring managed ObjectMapper to map from JSON to classes and vice versa.


The following bugs were fixed:

  • Deadlock

    A deadlock could happen under certain conditions when modifying the document inside a BPMN process.

  • Form flow instance back and forward navigation

    When moving forwards and backwards in a form flow instance with conditional steps, steps might exist that were completed in a different branch of the path. This could sometimes result in navigation issues.

  • Error in 'Create zaakstatus' action

    A bug has been fixed where the process link 'Create zaakstatus' would result in an error when the 'Zaakstatus explanation' field was left empty.

  • Case date search

    Date search fields now take into account the timezone offset sent along with requests under the X-Timezone-Offset request header. If this header is not present, UTC+0 is used.

Breaking changes

No breaking changes.


The following was deprecated:

  • Mapper classes

    Multiple classes related to the Jackson ObjecMapper have been deprecated:

    • com.ritense.valtimo.contract.json.Mapper

    • com.ritense.document.domain.impl.Mapper

    • com.ritense.openzaak.service.impl.Mapper

    • com.ritense.form.domain.Mapper

    • com.ritense.formlink.domain.impl.formassociation.Mapper

    These classes should be replaced by the new com.ritense.valtimo.contract.json.MapperSingleton.

Known issues

No known issues.

Last updated