Valtimo backend libraries

New Features

The following features were added:

  • ZGW document keywords (trefwoorden)

    Document keywords can now be configured on a case. This will allow the user to add keywords when uploading a file using the Documenten API. Autodeployment for this configuration is also available. More information can be found here.

  • ZGW document list column autodeployment

    Document list columns can now be configured via autodeployment. More information can be found here.

  • Verified form flow submission

    The submission data is now verified when submitting a form that is part of a form flow.

  • Valueresolver for Zaakresultaat

    Zaakresultaat information can now be retrieved using the zaakresultaat prefix. For example: the zaakresultaat:omschrijving expression can be used to prefill a field with the description of the Zaakresultaat in a summary form. More information can be found here.

  • FormViewModel

    A new module was added to the backend libraries, FormViewModel. More information can be found here.

  • Task search

    Tasks on the task list can now be filtered on task-data or case-data. Task search fields are configurable per case-type by the administrator. More information can be found here.

  • Toggle for assigning users based on username rather than ID

    A new application property was introduced to configure whether username or ID should be used to assign users to tasks or cases. When left unspecified, ID will be used. To help with this, a new value can be defined in permissions, ${currentUserIdentifier}. This takes into account what the application property has been set to.

    More information can be found here

  • Access control on dashboards

    The dashboard feature now supports access control. Permissions can be configured to view dashboards, e.g. based on the dashboard key. More information can be found here.

  • Additional dashboard data sources and functionality

    Two new data sources are supported. In addition, data time expression are supported. For more information, refer to this page


The following bug was fixed:

  • Error when no recipients are present when sending an email

    When an email is sent by Valtimo, and there are no recipients due to none of the recipients being whitelisted, an error would incorrectly occur.

Breaking changes

No breaking changes.


No deprecations.

Known issues

No known issues.

Last updated