Valtimo backend libraries

New Features

The following features were added:

  • valtimo-dependency-versions module

    A new valtimo-dependency-versions module has been created, which at the same time removes the version control from valtimo-dependencies and valtimo-gzac-dependencies.

    This module specifies versions for dependencies of Valtimo.

    More information can be found here.

  • User task assignees saved by user ID

    The assignees of a user task are now saved in the database by their user ID. When implementations use keycloak, the assignee column from the task table in the databases is automatically migrated from email to user ID.

  • Localization module

    A new module localization has been added, which provides endpoints for user configurable translations. For more information on how to use these translations in the front-end, refer to this page.

  • New endpoint to retrieve Zaaktypen A new endpoint has been added to the zaken-api module to retrieve zaaktypen: /api/management/v1/zgw/zaaktype. This replaces the /api/v1/openzaak/zaaktype endpoint from the openzaak module, which is now deprecated. The new endpoint requires at least one Zaken API Plugin to be configured.

  • Moved OpenZaak plugin to new openzaak-plugin-authentication module Since the openzaak modules has been deprecated, the OpenZaakPlugin has been moved to the new openzaak-plugin-authentication module. The packages are still the same to keep it backwards-compatible without configuration migrations.

  • Value resolver null values

    Value resolver now supports resolving and handling null values. This change can break existing value resolver implementations.

    Migration instructions related to this change can be found here.

  • Plugin actions on all activity types

    Support for plugin action on all activity types has been added.

  • Replacement for header based pagination

    Several endpoints that use URLs in the HTTP headers to paginate results have a new version with endpoints that return the pagination information in the response body. The following endpoints are impacted by this change:

  • New endpoint to retrieve Zaaktypen

    A new endpoint has been added to the zaken-api module to retrieve zaaktypen: /api/management/v1/zgw/zaaktype. This replaces the /api/v1/openzaak/zaaktype endpoint from the openzaak module, which is now deprecated. The new endpoint requires at least one Zaken API Plugin to be configured.

  • Moved OpenZaak plugin to new openzaak-plugin-authentication module

    Since the openzaak modules has been deprecated, the OpenZaakPlugin has been moved to the new openzaak-plugin-authentication module. The packages are still the same to keep it backwards-compatible without configuration migrations.

  • Automatically set 'Uiterlijke einddatum afdoening' in Zaken-api

    The field 'Uiterlijke einddatum afdoening' is now set automatically in the Zaken-api when creating a case in Valtimo.

  • Internal statuses are now available to cases

    Cases can be filtered on statuses set to the case via the process. More information on this can be found here

  • The RabbitMQ outbox publisher now support exchange targets

    Exchange targets can now be used with the outbox publisher for RabbitMQ by using the property. More information on this can be found here

  • Executable flag is automatically set upon process deployment

    When deploying processes via the /api/v1/process/definition/deployment endpoint or by import, the executable flag is automatically set to true. The result is that deployment will no longer fail silently on this misconfiguration. This behaviour is not applied to auto-deployment via classpath.

  • Task list columns

    Columns can now be configured for the task list. Configured columns can also be exported, imported and autodeployed.

    More information can be found here


The following bugs were fixed:

  • Error in some plugin action properties

    The plugin action property would throw an error when the plugin action property was set to a process variable that contained a list.

  • Plugin auto deployment fails on nullable property

    If the plugin configuration file contained a 'null' value for a plugin property, an error was thrown.

  • Access control in operator fails on list

    When a list was provided for the in operator (e.g. ["1","2"]), the permission could not be imported.

  • Process not linked after deploying a new case definition

    When a new version of the case definition was deployed, the new case definition would sometimes no longer be linked to any of the process definitions that were linked in previous versions.

  • Imported forms marked as readonly

    Imported forms were automatically marked read-only, making it impossible to edit them. The read-only flag is now only applied on auto-deployed forms.

Breaking changes

The following breaking changes were introduced:

  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 3

    Valtimo has been upgraded to Spring Boot 3. This was needed to keep the product up to date with the latest (transitive) dependencies.

    Migration instructions related to this change can be found here.

  • Valtimo dependencies have changed valtimo-dependencies and valtimo-gzac-dependencies should no longer be used for dependencyManagement or platform. This functionality has been replaced by valtimo-dependency-versions.

  • Moved KvKProvider and BsnProvider The KvKProvider and BsnProvider and implementations (ZaakKvKProvider and ZaakBsnProvider)have been moved to the zaken-api module. The objects-api module has been changed to use the relocated interfaces. Please be aware that the new implementations require at least one Zaken API Plugin to be configured.

  • Removed deprecated code The form-link module, which was deprecated in 10.6.0, has been removed. Process links should be used instead. Additionally, CamundaProcessJsonSchemaDocumentService.getDocument(DelegateExecution execution) has been removed. This method is replaced by DocumentDelegateService.getDocument(DelegateExecution execution.

  • ResourceService implementation is now optional Valtimo can now start without providing any implementation of the ResourceService. When no implementation is provided, the following features will not work:

    • The camundaSmartDocumentGenerator and smartDocumentGenerator beans will not be available. The plugin should work as normal.

    • The documentRelatedFileSubmittedEventListenerImpl bean will not be available.

    • JsonSchemaDocumentService.assignResource will throw an error when invoked.

    • The FormIoFormFileResource bean will not be available.

  • **OpenZaakUrlProvider has been replaced The OpenZaakUrlProvider class and bean (openZaakUrlProvider) have been removed. These have been replaced by:

    • ZaakUrlProvider: implemented by DefaultZaakUrlProvider in the zaken-api module.

    • ZaaktypeUrlProvider: implemented by DefaultZaaktypeUrlProvider in the zaken-api module.

  • **ZaakUrlProvider.getZaak(documentId: UUID): String has been removed. This method is replaced by ZaakUrlProvider.getZaakUrl(documentId: UUID): URI.

  • Removed dependencies from valtimo-gzac-dependencies

    The following modules have been removed from valtimo-gzac-dependencies:

    These modules are still defined in the valtimo-dependency-versions. Please add them to your project manually if needed.

  • OpenZaak module has been deprecated Its functionality has been moved or copied to the following modules:

Instructions on how to migrate to this version of Valtimo can be found here.


The following was deprecated:

  • Connectors

    The connector framework, including all connectors, have been deprecated.

  • Audit module methods

    Several methods have been deprecated as they were not used for anything. No alternatives are offered. These are:

    • AuditRecordRepository.findAuditRecordByProperty(String key, Object value, Pageable pageable)

    • AuditService.findByEventAndOccurredBetween(Class<? extends AuditEvent> event, LocalDateTime from, LocalDateTime until, Pageable pageable)

    • AuditService.findByProperty(String key, Object value, Pageable pageable)

    • AuditService.findByEventTypeAndProperty(Class<? extends AuditEvent> event, String key, Object value)

  • Audit module classes

    The AuditSearchService class has been deprecated as it was not used for anything.

  • OpenZaak module The openzaak modules has been deprecated and the OpenZaakPlugin has been moved to the new openzaak-plugin-authentication module. The packages are still the same to keep it backwards-compatible without configuration migrations.

Instructions on how to migrate to this version of Valtimo can be found here.

  • OpenZaak module The OpenZaak module has been deprecated. The deprecated methods and classes have been annotated with instructions on how to replace them. The general guideline here is to use the available (Plugin) functionality from the ZWG modules as replacement.

Known issues

No known issues.

Last updated