Valtimo frontend libraries

New Features

The following features were added:

  • Document list updates

    The list of documents associated with a case is now updated with the Carbon Design update.

  • ZGW tab

    Under the Case management admin tab, there now exists a ZGW tab, whenever supported by the OpenZaak API.

  • Document list column management

    Fields that are displayed in the document list, under case details, are now configurable. In the admin panel of a case definition, under the ZGW tab, the configuration list can be found. Here the number of columns, the order in which they are displayed and wether or not a default sorting is applied can be edited.

  • Document list filtering and sorting

    Sorting and filtering has been added to the document list. Not all columns are sortable.

  • Carbon list updates

    • The Carbon list now supports extra template data. The ColumnConfig interface in the @valtimo/components library now contains an templateData attribute that can be used.

    • The Carbon list supports a new display type called tags. More details about tags can be found here

    • The Carbon list context menu now supports disabling items. More details about this can be found here

  • Documenten API plugin versions

    The Documenten API plugin now supports additional versions. Some of the versions now also enable new features inside Valtimo. More information can be found here.

  • Plugin modal updates

    The modals for adding and editing a plugin now use Carbon design.

  • Document metadata modal updates

    The modal for uploading document metadata now uses Carbon design. In addition, an option to edit document metadata has been added. Both modals now support the use of tags.

  • Carbon design updates

    The tabs on the case detail page now use Carbon inline style tabs. In addition, the spacing in the page header has been adjusted.

  • Intermediate save

    A new feature was added to user-tasks. Users can now save their progress on a form and continue later. You can enable the feature with this feature toggle enableIntermediateSave in your environment.ts file.

  • Additional dashboard display types, data sources and functionality

    Three new display types and two new data sources are supported. In addition, data time expression are supported. For more information, refer to this page


The following bugs were fixed:

  • New user tasks don't always appear

    When starting a case or when completing a user task, the next user task will now be shown on the summary page without the need of a hard refresh. There is now a 7.5 seconds long window in which new user tasks are retrieved. If any user tasks is created after the 7.5 seconds, it will not be shown on the summary page.

Breaking changes

No breaking changes.


No deprecations.

Known issues

When updating to 12.1, building the application might result in the following error:

6 import moment from 'moment';

    784 export = moment;
    This module is declared with 'export =', and can only be used with a default import when using the 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports' flag.

This error can be resolved by setting the allowSyntheticDefaultImports property to true in the tsconfig.json file.

Last updated