Internal case status

An internal case status (status from here on), is a case property which defines what the current state or status is. The status is called 'internal', because by default it is not related to any status beyond the scope of Valtimo / GZAC (though implementations are not restricted to use it for that purpose).

Configuring statuses

Adding a status

Field explanation

  • Name: used as a label in the case summary and list

  • Key: the technical identifier of that status

  • Color: used for the label/tags of a status. The following colors are available:

    • Red (RED)

    • Magenta (MAGENTA)

    • Purple (PURPLE)

    • Blue (BLUE)

    • Teal (TEAL)

    • Green (GREEN)

    • Cyan (CYAN)

    • Gray (GRAY)

    • Cool gray (COOLGRAY)

    • Warm gray (WARMGRAY)

    • High contrast (HIGHCONTRAST)

    • Outline (OUTLINE)

  • Visible: If enabled, the status is included in the case search filter by default. When disabled, the user has to manually enable it in the filter so see any results with that status.


Status configurations can be autodeployed by creating json files in the classpath*:config/ folder. The name of the file has to end with .internal-case-status.json. You can find an example of the JSON below:


  "changesetId": "example.internal-case-status.1709304109619",
  "internalCaseStatuses": [
      "key": "started",
      "caseDefinitionName": "example",
      "title": "Started",
      "visibleInCaseListByDefault": true,
      "color": "GREEN"
      "key": "in-progress",
      "caseDefinitionName": "example",
      "title": "In progress",
      "visibleInCaseListByDefault": true,
      "color": "CYAN"
      "key": "completed",
      "caseDefinitionName": "example",
      "title": "Completed",
      "visibleInCaseListByDefault": false,
      "color": "GRAY"

Import and export

The configuration is also included when importing or exporting a case. It uses the same format as the autodeployment.


Statuses can be ordered, which will be used for the following:

  • Order of statuses in the admin screen

  • Order of statuses in the filter dropdown

  • Sorting of cases by status

Using statuses

Setting a status to a case

To make sure statuses are updated during the process, a task expression can be added to any task where you want the status to change: ${documentDelegateService.setInternalStatus(execution, 'new')}

Filtering cases

Last updated