Feature toggles

Sometimes, different features in implementations need to be switched on or off. This could be because a feature is (not) needed, or a feature is currently in development and is switched off by default, enabling the release chain to continue uninhibited.

Below is an overview of available feature toggles for Valtimo, with a short description of their function.


In the frontend, feature toggles can be configured under the featureToggles key in the Angular environment file(s) with a boolean value.

  • applicationTitleAsSuffix

    By default, the application title is shown in the browser tab as a prefix e.g. 'Valtimo - Processes'. With this featureToggle it is possible to change this to 'Processes - Valtimo'.

  • disableFormFlow

    By default, it is assumed the form-flow module is configured in the backend, and thus a form flow option is available on the Process links admin page. If this module is not configured, use this toggle to disable the option on the Process links page.

  • showUserNameInTopBar

    If enabled, the full name of the user currently logged in is shown in the top bar next to the user menu button.

  • experimentalDmnEditing

    If enabled, it is possible to edit DMN tables from the ui from the admin page. This feature is experimental, please refer to the release notes for known issues.

  • caseSearchFields

    If enabled, a non-functional demo version of case search fields will replace the search sidebar on the case list page.

  • disableCaseCount

    If set to true, showing the number of open cases in the menu is disabled.

  • caseListColumn

    If enabled, the column list tab will be shown on the case management page.

  • showPlantATreeButton

    If enabled, a 'Plant a tree' button will appear in the right sidebar.

  • sortFilesByDate

    If enabled, files under the documents tab on a case detail page will be sorted by date in descending order.

  • largeLogoMargin

    If enabled, the logo on the left in the top bar will have a large margin around it. This works well for logo's that are bigger horizontally than they are vertically.

  • returnToLastUrlAfterTokenExpiration

    If enabled, the user will be returned to the page they were last on before they were automatically logged out after their refresh token expired.

  • enableObjectManagement

    If enabled, a new menuitem 'objects' will appear in the left sidebar menu. This menu item can have one or more submenu items depending on the configuration. For more information here

  • hideValtimoVersionsForNonAdmins

    If enabled, the Valtimo version information in the right sidebar will only be visible for admins and will be hidden for any other users.

  • enableTabManagement

    If enabled, tabs will be configured for each case type in the back-end. For more information on this option, visit this page . If disabled, the tabs for each case type will be the same, and will be configured from the AppModule. For information on this option, visit this page.

  • useStartEventNameAsStartFormTitle

    If enabled, BPMN start event names will be used as title for start forms instead of the standard Start - ${process-name} format.

Last updated