Valtimo frontend libraries

New Features

The following features were added:

  • Translation management

    An administrator can now configure and override translations from a front-end admin page. For more information on how to configure and use this, refer to this page.

  • Form flow management

    An administrator can now see, create and edit form flows from a front-end admin page. For more information on form flows, refer to this page.

  • Inline edit document definition

    Document definition can now be edited inline to create a new version.

  • Pending changes modal extension

    The pending changes modal has been extended to accept custom modals. An example of this use would be a pending changes modal for an 'Edit mode' function, where you might want to have three buttons (e.g. Keep editing, Save, Discard) instead of the two buttons that are offered out of the box.

    More details about the PendingChangesComponent can be found here

  • Creating document definitions via the admin interface

    A document definition can now be created via the admin interface. This is an alternative to creating a document definition in the project, which enables the user to create a document definition without needing to create a file in the project.

    More details about creating document definitions can be found here

  • Zaken-api plugin action start and end Hersteltermijn

    A Zaken-API plugin action has been added for both starting and ending a recovery period.

    More information about the plugin actions can be found here.

  • New Zaak type link endpoint The document Zaaktype link configuration now uses the /api/management/v1/zgw/zaaktype endpoint. This new endpoint requires a zaken-api plugin to be configured.

  • Document object type selection is now conditional When connecting a zaak to the document, the document object type selection is now only shown when using the OPEN_ZAAK upload-provider.

  • Configurable colors for internal case statuses When configuring an internal case status, you are provided with a fixed list of colors. This colors are in accordance to the Carbon Design System and will help differentiate between different satuses you might create.

  • Zaken-api plugin action create, update and delete zaakeigenschap A Zaken-API plugin action has been added for creating, updating and for deleting a zaakeigenschap. More information about the plugin actions can be found here.

  • form-link to process-link The library @valtimo/form-link has been renamed to @valtimo/process-link. For information on how to migrate, refer to this page.

  • Override options

    Options used by in the renderer can now be modified by using the following key in your environment file: formioOptions. Refer to this page for more information.

  • Verzoek plugin JSON mapping

    The verzoek plugin can now be configured so that the entire verzoek data is copied to a target location. For information on how to configure the verzoek plugin, refer to this page.

  • Show readable process errors

    When a user models and deploys an erroneous BPMN process, the user will now get a readable and useful error message.

  • Documenten API plugin version

    To determine the available features of the Documenten API, the plugin can now be configured with the version of the Documenten API that is used. This version is also shown on all Case definition management pages that use the Documenten API plugin. For more information on how to configure the verzoek plugin, refer to this page

  • Configurable task list columns

    A new library has been added - @valtimo/task-management. It provides a page where list columns can be configured for tasks of a certain case type. Please follow the migration notes (section 'Task management') on this page.

  • Filter tasks by case

    The user can now filter tasks by selecting the case from a dropdown at the task list view. The case columns will change according to the configured task list columns per case.

  • Rename upload process

    The auto-deployed upload process Upload Document has been renamed to Documenten API upload document.

  • Case migration

    A new feature has been released to migrate cases from an old version to a new version. This feature is still in beta and should be used with care. For more information on case migration, refer to this page

  • Dark-mode and theme-switching added

    By implementing the Carbon Design System and making use of the correct color tokens, dark-mode has become a possibility. This feature-toggle is enabled by default. The 3 supported options are Light (default), Dark and System (Changes theme based on the system theme preference). For more information on theming, refer to this page

  • Added extra empty-state illustrations

    6 new empty-state illustrations have been added for added clarification of the empty-state. These are:

    • assets/img/emptystate-empty.svg

    • assets/img/emptystate-error.svg

    • assets/img/emptystate-error404.svg

    • assets/img/emptystate-no-result.svg

    • assets/img/emptystate-not-authorised.svg

    • assets/img/emptystate-success.svg

  • Added compact mode to allow for more usable vertical space

    By default, the breadcrumbs and page title use a larger amount of vertical screen space. Compact mode has been added to move this information to the top header, next to the logo.

    More information on how to enable and use this can be found here

  • FormIO Sandbox

    When editing at form, under form management, now a FormIO Sandbox is used. The Sandbox allows for editing forms via the UI as well as through a JSON. The Output tab also showcases how the form displays and what it can output when filling in the form.


The following bugs were fixed:

  • Not all case definitions are visible in the menu

    The left sidebar did not show all case definitions when there were more than 10. Now the left sidebar will show all case definitions.

  • Not possible to upload more than one file to the case management

    Uploading a file to the case management worked the first time, the rest of the uploads after that did not update the correct file. Now it is possible to upload more than one file.

  • Breadcrumbs do not work properly

    After navigating away from Object page, breadcrumbs did not work properly anymore throughout the application. This issue has been fixed.

  • Object title does not load on page switch

    When switching between different items in the object list menu, the object tile is not displayed properly. Instead of the title, a loading bar that doesn't stop is displayed. This issue has been fixed.

Breaking changes

The following breaking changes were introduced:

  • ChoiceFieldModule

    The ChoicefieldModule has been removed. Also the ChoiceFieldService and a few models have been moved to the @valtimo/components library. Instructions on how to migrate to this version of Valtimo can be found here.

  • @valtimo/open-zaak

    The library @valtimo/open-zaak has been removed. EmailExtensionComponent has been removed altogether. The OpenZaakTypeLinkExtension functionality has been moved to @valtimo/zgw. Instructions on how to migrate to this version of Valtimo can be found here.

  • Connector link extension

    connectorLinkExtensionInitializer (exported from @valtimo/connector-management) has been removed. For information on how to migrate, refer to this page.

  • @valtimo/contact-moment

    The library @valtimo/contact-moment has been removed. For information on how to migrate, refer to this page.

  • @valtimo/customer

    The library @valtimo/customer has been removed. For information on how to migrate, refer to this page.

  • Zaakobjecten tab

    Zaakobjecten has been removed as a default tab. If you want to use this tab in your implementation, refer to this page on how to migrate.

  • Documenten API upload component

    The Documenten API upload component has been moved. For information on how to migrate, refer to this page.

  • @valtimo/zgw

    A new library is included in: @valtimo/zgw. All optional ZGW functionality has been moved from other libraries into this optional library. For information on what it includes, and how to migrate, refer to this page.

  • Changes to feature toggle

    • enableTabManagement is now enabled (true) by default.

    • caseListColumn is now enabled (true) by default.

    • enableObjectManagement is now enabled (true) by default.

    • caseSearchFields has been removed. Case search fields are always enabled from now on.

    • disableFormFlow has been removed. Form flow is always enabled from now on.

  • @valtimo/exact-plugin

    The library @valtimo/exact-plugin has been removed. For information on how to migrate, refer to this page.

Instructions on how to migrate to this version of Valtimo can be found here.


The following was deprecated:

  • ConnectorManagementModule

    Connector-management has been deprecated and will be replaced by plugins in the future.

  • Extensions

    Extensions functionality has been deprecated. For more information, refer to this page.

  • Open Zaak uploader provider

    The Open Zaak upload provider has been deprecated. For more information, refer to this page.

Known issues

No known issues.

Last updated