Valtimo backend libraries
New Features
The following features were added:
New plugin action to set the zaak status
The Zaken Api plugin has a new plugin action to set the zaak status.
New plugin action to create a 'Zaakresultaat'
The Zaken Api plugin has a new plugin action to create a 'Zaakresultaat'.
New plugin action to create a 'Zaakbesluit'
The Besluiten Api plugin has a new plugin action to create a 'Zaakbesluit'.
New plugin action to link a Document to a Besluit
The Besluiten Api plugin has a new plugin action to link a Document to a Besluit.
Job service
A process bean to manipulate Camunda jobs. For now, only manipulation of timer event dates is supported. This is useful when a timer has to be changed after it has already started. For more information, see here.
API responses now include charsets
All Valtimo API responses now include a character set in the Content-Type header. The character set has been set to UTF-8.
New API endpoint to retrieve prefilled forms
A new API endpoint has been added to retrieve prefilled forms that are configured in the Process-Links menu:
GET /v2/process-link/task/{taskId}
Extended process link API endpoints
All API endpoints below have been extended. They used to only work with plugins. Now hey now also work with Forms and Form-flows.
GET /api/v1/process-link
POST /api/v1/process-link
PUT /api/v1/process-link
DELETE /api/v1/process-link/{processLinkId}
Updated dependency versions
Many dependencies have been updated. A few of the dependency updates:
has been updated to version 7.19.0org.liquibase:liquibase-core
has been updated to version 4.21.1org.yaml:snakeyaml
has been updated to version 2.0org.keycloak:keycloak-admin-client
has been updated to version 21.1.0
Versions of other dependencies can be found here.
Process links configuration autodeployment
Process links can now be created by adding a configuration file in Valtimo. This configuration file is automatically used when rebooting Valtimo. This release adds support for the autodeployment of process links of type form, form-flow, and plugin action. More information here
Plugin configuration auto deployment
Plugin configurations can now be created by adding a configuration file in Valtimo. More information here
New REST API endpoints have been added
A new endpoint has been added to return a prefilled Form IO form that was configured on a start-event of a BPMN:
GET /api/v1/process-definition/{process-definition-id}/start-form
A new endpoint has been added to return a prefilled Form IO form that was configured on a user-task of a BPMN:
GET /api/v2/process-link/task/{taskId}
A new endpoint has been added to return a list of process-link-types with a single property 'enabled'. The property ' enabled' is true when the process-link-type is enabled for the specified activity-type:
GET /api/v1/process-link/types?activityType={activityType}
A new endpoint has been added for submitting form when the form was initiated using a processlink:
POST /api/v1/process-link/{processLinkId}/form/submission
Two new endpoints have been added for retrieving and updating user configuration:
GET /api/v1/user/settings
PUT /api/v1/user/settings
Prefilling of start forms for supporting processes Start forms configured for supporting processes are now prefilled with case data when opened.
Support for form flows to start cases and supporting processes Form flows can now be used to start a new case or supporting processes for an existing case. More information here
The following bugs were fixed:
Reuse user var instead of retrieving it again
In the document service when creating a case
var user
was not re-used insteadSecurityUtils.getCurrentUserLogin())
was used again leading to having a possible different username when creating a case or attaching documents.Reorder object columns
Fixed changing the ordering of list-columns and search-fields.
Not all uses shown in candidate users dropdown
The dropdown list with candidate users on a case page, now shows all users. There was a bug that cases the API endpoint to not respond with all users when there were more than 200 Keycloak users.
Maximum of 20 SmartDocument placeholders
The maximum number of 20 SmartDocument placeholders has been removed. It is now possible to enter many more placeholders. The maximum has been removed for all multi-input components within Valtimo. Which means that the maximum has also been removed for other features, such as the Verzoeken plugin mapping.
Object management list column date format
The list columns of Object API objects now displays dates with the configured date format.
Objecten API search bugfixes
Several bugs have been fixed for the Objecten API search:
The search now properly searches through nested properties using a different path notation.
It is now possible to search for properties with data type 'boolean'.
It is now possible to search for properties with data type 'date'.
It is now possible to search for properties with data type 'datetime'.
Configurable directory for temporary files
It's now possible to configure a directory that can be used for temporary files with the new property:
. This property can be used to make Valtimo multi instance ready. More information here.Plugin configuration validation
It is now possible to add
on plugin properties. Some plugins are now validated:The
property must now be a valid url in the following plugins:Besluiten API Plugin
Catalogi API Plugin
Notificaties API Plugin
Objecten API Plugin
Objecttypen API Plugin
SmartDocuments Plugin
Zaken API Plugin
The Documenten API Plugin property
must now have a length of 9.The Notificaties API Plugin property
Callback URL
must now be a valid url.The Object Token Authentication Plugin property
now has a minimum length of 20.
Attempts to double decrypt plugin secret
When deploying a plugin configuration file, Valtimo would try to decrypt plugin secrets twice. This would often result in errors. Valtimo will now only decrypt the plugin secrets once.
Breaking changes
The following breaking changes were introduced:
Object search path
The path -field that is used for searching for objects, has changed. It now uses the following notation:
There is no need to manually change the path. Applications that upgrade to 10.6.0 are automatically migrated.
Renamed some classes in favor of Process links: â â
PluginProcessLinkResource â ProcessLinkResource
CopyPluginActionsOnProcessDeploymentListener â CopyPluginLinkOnProcessDeploymentListener
Other changes in favor of Process links:
bean name has changed toformProcessLinkResource
bean name has changed toformProcessLinkService
is now of typeUUID
is now of typeActivityTypeWithEventName
is now of typeActivityTypeWithEventName
has a new mandatory constructor propertyactivityType
is now of typeActivityTypeWithEventName
no longer extendsJpaRepository
No deprecations.
Known issues
No known issues.
Last updated
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