Through the fields input, actions per row can be set up, in the form of a context menu:
...import {ColumnConfig, ViewType} from'@valtimo/components';...exportclassSampleComponent {...public fields:Array<ColumnConfig> = [ { viewType:ViewType.TEXT, key:'title', label:'sample.translation.title', }, { viewType:ViewType.TEXT, key:'description', label:'sample.translation.description', }, ];public actionItems:ActionItem[] =// The callbacks will always receive as a parameter the item in the row [ { label:'sample.action', callback:this.action.bind(this), type:'normal', }, { label:'sample.dangerAction', callback:this.dangerAction.bind(this), type:'danger', }, ],...publicaction(item:any):void {...// Code for action to do on the item... }publicdangerAction(item:any):void {...// Code for action to do on the item... }...}