Process Exchange

Instead of each organization reinventing the wheel, it is efficient to reuse what another organization has already created, under the motto "sharing is caring". At the moment of writing, an Exchange in Dutch for the 'GZAC' edition of Valtimo is available:

At the moment, there are three different types of reusable items:

  1. Process Blue Prints. They help to make a quick start.

    A Process Blue Print is a starting point. Local configuration is always needed. Each organization has its own role structure, different document templates, a unique data set, its own email texts, and its own installations (and versions) of surrounding systems. In some cases, development is also necessary, such as creating a new plugin.

    Here is an explanation of how to import and customize a basic process (for developers).

  2. Building Blocks Building blocks are individual components of a basic process that can be used in another basic process. Examples of building blocks include forms, case definitions, or subprocesses.

  3. Plug-ins Plug-ins allow additional functionality to be added to GZAC. GZAC comes with a selection of plug-ins by default. Plug-ins are often used to (generically) establish connections with other systems.

Last updated

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