Valtimo frontend libraries
New Features
The following features were added:
Notificaties API plugin added to @valtimo/plugin
The Notificaties API plugin has been added and supports plugin configuration.
Current user Form-io custom component
A custom form-io component has been added that provides the Valtimo user profile as form input.
Form flow - store submission data when moving to the previous step
A user now gets the option to save changes in the form when the user clicks the button to go to the previous step in the form flow.
Introducing a new case tab 'Notes'
A new case tab
has been added which brings the following functionalities:Add a new note to a case.
A view of all the notes that have been added to a case.
Currently, it's not possible to delete or update a note.
Moved Audit time
The audit time is now displayed next to the date.
Modified audit trail dots
The audit trail dots are now all the same color.
Plant a tree button
There is now a button in the sidebar under the logout button that sends an e-mail to request ritense to plant a tree.
Editing case list columns
On the admin page of a case type, a tab 'List' is now available. On this tab, case list columns for this case type can be added, modified, and re-ordered.
The following bugs were fixed:
caseassignee dropdown breaks when user has no lastname in keycloak
When a user has been configured in keycloak without a lastname, the dropdown of the caseassignee breaks. A check as been added to handle users without a lastname.
Custom case header not working if canHaveAssignee is disabled
The custom header was only working if the setting
was enabled in the case settings. A fix has been applied to make the custom case header also work without this setting enabled.Connector configuration shows wrong configuration
The popup to edit a connector configuration properties, sometimes showed the properties of another connector. This has been fixed.
Wrong url on 'back' button on Form creation page
On the Form creation page (/form-management/create), the back button directed the user to an non-existing URL. This caused the user to be redirected to the dashboard. The URL has been changed to the correct one.
Breaking changes
No breaking changes.
No new deprecations.
Known issues
This version has the following known issues:
Viewing and editing DMN tables does not work if there is no 'featureToggles' object present in the environment configuration.
Discovered in version 9.26.0
As a workaround, an empty 'featureToggles' object can be added to the environment configuration file(s).
Last updated
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