How to start a process for a case

There are two ways to start a process for a case by using the user interface:

  • Starting a process with a new case

  • Starting a process for an existing case

To be able to start a new case through the user interface, a process has to be connected to it. How to link a process to a case.

Starting a process with a new case

To start a new process and case a button is available on the cases list page. This can be opened by selecting Cases from the menu and selecting the case type to start.

List of example cases

By using the Create New Case button, a popup is opened containing the start form of the process connected to the case definition.

Form used to start new case

After submitting the form, a new case is started, and a process is started for the case. The progress of the process can be viewed on the Progress tab.


Starting a process for an existing case

To start new process for an existing case, a button is available on the case detail page. This can be opened by selecting Cases from the menu and selecting the case type, then clicking on a case in the list.

Case detail page

By clicking the Start button on the top right of this page, a list is displayed containing all available processes to be started.

List of avilable processes

After choosing one of the processes from the list, the corresponding start form is opened in a popup.

New process popup

After submitting the form, the process is started.

Starting a process with a new case via code

To start a new process with a new case via code, the ProcessDocumentService exposes the newDocumentAndStartProcess, which accepts a process definition key, the to be created document, the process instance ID (which should always be empty as no process instance exists yet) and any variables the process should start with.

Starting a process for an existing case via code

To start a new process with an existing case via code, the ProcessDocumentService exposes the startProcessForDocument, which accepts the document ID, the process definition key and any variables the process should start with.

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