Access control

Valtimo supports Policy Based Access Control (PBAC) as an authorization layer via this module. This layer allows you to restrict access to functionality or data based on policies.


A role is an entity where permissions can be linked to. The role names should match the roles in the JWT token by OpenId/OAuth2 (Keycloak).


Permissions define whether a user with a specific role can access or act on the configured resource.

Multiple permissions are evaluated as OR: The outcome of an authorization request is true when any of the permissions passes all the configured checks. When permissions are used to filter data from a list query, the result will contain every entry that passes the checks of any permission.

When selecting applicable permissions for evaluation, the following checks are performed:

  • The user has the role that is configured for the permission

  • The requested resource matches the permission's resource

  • The required action matches the permission's action


Extra conditions can be applied to a permission to tighten the access to resources. These conditions are optional. Conditions are evaluated as AND, which means the all configured conditions on a permission should evaluate to true to pass the permission checks.

Conditions can also be nested by using a container. This allows you to join another resource to the root resource, on which you can add conditions as well. An example of this can be found here


The following sections contains information on how to configure and use access control.

Last updated